Stories, Letters, and Ideas of isdead: The Cynical Felix

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Overnight Survivor, my first game project

A few months ago, I've started CGSBP (Creating Games with StoryBerry Platform) Project. This was business-scaled project, but also one of my objectives.

In February 17th, I posted first news of the very first game development plan, "Overnight Survivor!", and I made up a team for this work. Finally the three guys (Kalito, Timur, and I) took the role and started to try to make something new. Timur has made the BGM of "Overnight Survivor!" I made documents about the main concept idea, and Kalito gave many of ideas with his experienced career.

And I spent the time about three months with nothing. There were papers from my classes, exams, tasks from my Service Design Team of STORYBERRY… But hey, I have time to enjoy the Peggle!

Well, the time is coming. Two days ago, I made the Introduction of "Overnight Survivor!" Game System. The game is based on web, so it have to be enjoyable – which means SHORT, on the online world – and that means I can make the gold fast.

After the gold goes to world, I will gladly share the full-story of the first CGSBP Project. Also all of this will be the great experience to me, and my team, though.

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Who's the Cynical Felix?

Gamer, Designer, Cartoonist, Reviewer, Blogger, Objectivist.